The employee experience indicates how an employee experiences the work and appreciates or perhaps does not appreciate his/her employer.
Employee Net Promoter Score(eNPS) also lets you know what your employees are excited about.
The report “Employee Experience in the Netherlands 2021” showed that in the corona time, working in the Netherlands is more connected to the employer than ever before.
For example, the eNPS rose from -3 in 2020 to +12 in 2021.
Employee engagement also proved high at restaurant chain McDonald’s.
“Like every industry, we had to deal with the corona measures. We immediately set to work since the start of the pandemic last year with a comprehensive plan of action to create a safe environment for our employees and guests. Every decision we made as an organization put the safety of our employees and guests first. This was and is absolutely appreciated by our employees,” says Fleur Boot, Manager People at McDonald’s Netherlands.
Prior to corona, McDonald’s was implementing its People plan – Great People – in consultation with the 77 franchisees of the 254 restaurants in the Netherlands.
Principles therein included an integral focus on attracting and retaining the best-trained crew in a safe, respectful and inclusive work environment where people can grow and be proud.
“We didn’t jettison those ambitions, of course, but corona did disrupt that process somewhat. Everything was suddenly uncertain. For example, like the rest of the hospitality industry, we suddenly had to close the doors of our restaurants on March 15, 2020. The day after, our McDrives and McDelivery turned out to be exempt on this measure. These changes and the speed at which they followed each other chopped into it. For our guests, but certainly also for our employees,” Boot said.

Safe collaboration

More than ever, working together safely was very important.
“Among other things, we started an awareness campaign: ‘Working together safely, you do it for each other.’ Before the pandemic, you just came to work with some headache or cold symptoms. Now you don’t. Anyone with complaints doesn’t come to work; no matter how slight those complaints are. So that changed. A different focus. To make sure we could show our employees: you are safe with us. We wanted to make our employees aware of that. As an employer you want to communicate that extra to make sure the message sticks. Not just with lots of text in letters and posters in our crew rooms, but also in a more light-hearted way that fits well with our target group. So we created two internal awareness campaigns about working safely together. The first campaign was a rap with video clip focused on the change from dynamic to static working to ensure the 1.5 meter distance. I myself am extra proud that this video clip features only real colleagues from one of our restaurants. We then developed a follow-up campaign within the theme ‘Working together safely is something you do for each other’. This time the emphasis was on a rap with a real rapper and video clip in which we promoted the non-working with complaints and the renewed procedures regarding wearing mouth caps. Since May of last year, we have been running the raps continuously in our restaurants. At one point some employees got a little tired of the very catchy tune in the video, but at least the message came across clearly,” says Boot.

“We created two internal awareness campaigns about working together safely,” he said.

Restaurants open again

Back in April last year, McDonald’s started thinking about a customer journey in case restaurants were allowed to open.
Boot: “We made a visit to McDonald’s within the corona measures as attractive as possible.
With ‘wait softeners’ if you would have to wait a while for a spot, cough screens and home-style walking routes.
We really looked at how we could welcome guests in a pleasant way taking into account the applicable corona measures, including the 1.5-meter distance.
Looking at the impact for our employees, in addition to the new practice of “put down step away suit over”we have
the wearing of gloves with every payment, keeping a sufficient distance – also to each other – and avoiding physical contact. And in the summer we already had a pilot with mouth caps, and after the pilot there was a requirement for this for our crew. We also requested employees not to linger after work. We know it wasn’t easy for our employees in corona time, so we frequently expressed our appreciation towards all employees and, like many franchisees, we gave something extra in return, such as an extra gift around St. Nicholas and Christmas. In addition, as management we have shown that we are there for our employees. For example, we helped out in the restaurants by way of support and were always available with a support line.”

“We know it wasn’t easy for our employees in corona time, which is why we frequently expressed our appreciation towards all employees and also gave something extra in return.”

MTO, pulse surveys and exit surveys

Now a year on, corona is still relevant.
The restaurants are open, but many measures, including 1.5 distance, are still in effect.
Boot: “What we have noticed and learned above all is that it is crucial to listen to our employees. They know better than anyone else where we need to improve if necessary. Early this year, in good cooperation with all franchisees and Integron, we conducted an extensive employee satisfaction survey (MTO) and we will continue to do so every two years within our crew feedback strategy. The first survey showed that engagement is fine. 71% of our employees rated engagement with a 7 or higher. But in terms of pride, there are still some steps to take. Using a dashboard, we have insight into all the results and we are working on the follow-up. For example, we have quite a lot of turnover, although fortunately that is gradually decreasing. We work a lot with students and schoolchildren who do the work as part-time jobs and usually don’t stay too long. In order to better listen to and learn from the reasons why people leave us, starting this fall we will also have exit surveys conducted – also by Integron. With this we want to give our people the best experience from ‘hi to goodbye’. We also want to gauge our employees’ perceptions more regularly, about three times a year, using pulse measurements. These are short questionnaires about trends, MTO highlights and current socio-cultural topics, which we can administer quickly and which employees can complete. In this way, we constantly monitor the employee journey and experience and thus put our employees and their experience at the center of our growth plans and want to keep them with us for as long and as well as possible.”

“In order to better listen to and learn from the reasons why people leave us, we are having exit surveys conducted. We also want to gauge more regularly, about three times a year, the perception of our employees using pulse measurements.”

Contagious enthusiasm

“We are pleased to bring our experience and expertise regarding employee experience and employee journey feedback to McDonald’s on multiple fronts. The collaboration is going extremely well. In fact, we as Integron are made happy by the infectious enthusiasm we get to experience during our frequent consultations with McDonald’s. We always enjoy looking forward to that,” said Robert Mentink, Senior Consultant Employee Experience at Integron and contact person for McDonald’s.
Robert Mentink, Senior Consultant Employee Experience:

“We as Integron are delighted by the infectious enthusiasm we get to experience during our frequent consultations with McDonald’s. We always enjoy looking forward to that”

About McDonald’s

McDonald’s is a restaurant chain that has branches worldwide, including 254 in the Netherlands.
231 of these are owned by a total of 76 franchisees who operate their own employer policies, but work closely in partnership with McDonald’s Netherlands.
More than 20,000 employees currently work at McDonald’s in the Netherlands.